Below are links to the College’s Newsletter Subscription Manager, Flickr galleries, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, YouTube channel and more so you can stay up to date on campus news and events.

See Carthage’s Social Media Policy

Looking for a specific social media account? Look through our Social Media Directory and find what you’re looking for. Do you want your student organization listed? Are you a faculty or staff member that would like to connect with colleagues and students? Contact Olivia Nichter at

Flickr is an image hosting website.

UStream is a service that streams live events. Come here to check out athletics events and other major Carthage events.

Merit is a service that lets students share their achievements with family and friends.

We send monthly newsletters to parents, alumni, and friends of the College. You can also sign up to receive invitations to Carthage events in your area, and news about Carthage’s Friday Family Fun Night.